The Animated Bunny's Tail

Paul Wehr, former sociology professor and peace and conflict director at the University of Colorado, rewrote the tale by Beatrix Potter. It was published in Boulder.
Paul’s father, Julian Wehr, originally illustrated and animated his own version of the tale in 1944. A sculptor at heart, Julian created over 40 titles to help support his family during WWII. The moveable book began to catch the eyes of collectors, Wehr said.
With his father’s original artwork, Wehr revised "The Bunny’s Tail," one of his favorite stories.
Book profits support peace development (such as the peace and conflict studies program at CU), the well-being of children and youth and the protection of nature.
The story is based on "The Tale of Peter Rabbit." Wehr said he revised the tale and built in an environmental theme to teach children to be more environmentally conscious.
With the help of Boulder local printer, One World Arts, Paul was able to keep the book’s production local. He was able to use his father’s original illustrations and animation, but the images and colors have been refined.
"We wanted to honor the spirit of the original, but make it better," said Ron Ellis, owner of One World.
The illustrations have a feel of a different, simpler time where care and detail were patiently constructed, although the resources may not have been readily available. Funky colors of lime greens, royal blues and fawn oranges fill the pages with illuminating delight.

The following are scans of my copy of the book.
It also contains a German translation of the text.

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